Start sourcing on Teamtailor

Enrich all your
ATS profiles

in seconds

in seconds

Activate the Lymia integration for Teamtailor and start sourcing the best candidates on your ATS in seconds.

Activate the Lymia integration for Teamtailor and start sourcing the best candidates on your ATS in seconds.

Activate the Lymia integration for Teamtailor and start sourcing the best candidates on your ATS in seconds.

Connect Teamtailor in a couple of minutes

Connect Teamtailor in a couple of minutes

Connect Teamtailor in a couple of minutes

Lymia automatically refreshes all your Teamtailor profiles

Lymia automatically refreshes all your Teamtailor profiles

Lymia automatically refreshes all your Teamtailor profiles

You can start capitalizing on your Teamtailor talent pool

You can start capitalizing on your Teamtailor talent pool

You can start capitalizing on your Teamtailor talent pool

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions

Is this free?

How do I activate the integration?

What are the benefits of connecting Lymia to my ATS?

Will Lymia automatically sync my ATS data?

What data Lymia uses from my ATS?

What data Lymia enriches from online sources?

Can I deactivate an ATS integration?

❤️ by modern companies

Set up Lymia

in 2 minutes

Just connect Lever or use our other integrations
to start sourcing the best candidates in your ATS.

Set up Lymia

in 2 minutes

Just connect Lever or use our other integrations
to start sourcing the best candidates in your ATS.

Set up Lymia

in 2 minutes

Just connect Lever or use our other integrations
to start sourcing the best candidates in your ATS.